Wildcat Class 2024/2025

Children in Year 6 are members of Wildcat Class. They are taught by Miss Harvey and supported in their learning by Mrs Marchesi and Mrs Skowronek.


Our Google Classroom code is: m5kxnen

Lexia Core 5

Our topic for Spring 2 is 'From Pole to Pole'. In our English lessons, we will be reading 'The Arctic Railway Assassin' by M. G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman and we will be writing narratives and biographies.

In maths this half term we are looking at decimals, percentages, area and statistics.

In geography we will be looking at Antartica and the Arctic as well as lines of longitude and latitude. 

Our science topic for this term is 'Animals including humans' and we will be exploring what the circulatory system is.

In our RE lessons we will be looking at 'What does the Qu'ran reveal to Muslims about Allah and his guidance?' 

In the curriculum letter below, you will find out in more depth what we will be covering this term.


This half term we will be going doing PE on a Wednesday afternoon. Children will need to come wearing their PE kit.

Forest Schools:

Forest Schools will occur on Thursday afternoons please ensure the children are dressed appropriately for the weather and bring sensible shoes/ wellies.

Curriculum Newsletter (spring)

Knowledge Organiser (science)

Knowledge Organiser (topic)

Knowledge Organiser (RE)



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