Welcome to Barn Owl Class.

Barn Owl Class is taught by Miss Schofield and is supported by Mrs Cubley and Mrs Dorr. 



Core Texts 

Autumn Term 

Each half term we explore a topic that is based around two core texts. Below you will find the name of the topic and the two core texts that we will be exploring in class. We will be using Talk 4 Writing to retell and recall the core texts through actions and text maps.

Autumn 1- Commemorating History Autumn 2 - Houses and Homes




Homework will be set on a Friday at the end of the school day, via Google Classroom. It needs to be handed in by 9am the following Friday. 
Homework Year 1 Pupils will receive

  • Maths linked to the learning completed in class.
  • Reading 5 times a week at home which needs to be signed in the reading record. 



Children in Barn Owl Class will have their PE session on a Wednesday afternoon. Please bring your child to school dressed in their PE kits on a Wednesday. Please ensure that their PE kit is suitable for the weather as PE will be outside where possible.  Long hair must be tied back, just as it should be any other school day, and earrings must be removed. 


Forest School 

Forest School will be on a Wednesday morning for Barn Owl Class. Children are to come into school on a Wednesday wearing clothing that is suitable for forest school such as tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Please bring labelled wellies and a waterproof coat into school for this day. 


Other Useful Documents 

Click on the links below to see the class newsletter, knowledge organisers and timetable.

Please find attached the Autumn Curriculum Newsletter.

Please fing attached the Topic Knowledge Organiser.

Please find attached the Science Knowledge Organiser.

Please find attached the timetable.

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